Ibiuna Long Biased FIC FIM is a total return equities hedge fund. The main goal of the equities portfolio management team is to identify opportunities in stocks of Brazilian companies through fundamental analysis and active net exposure management.
Investors in general that seek long term superior returns and understand the risks within the strategies implemented by the management team.
Status |
Open |
Inception date |
05/20/2013 |
Benchmark |
Administration fee |
2% (p.a) |
Performance fee |
20% over IMA-B |
Initial investment |
BRL 1.000 |
Additional investment |
BRL 100 |
Minimum movement |
BRL 1.000 |
Minimum balance |
BRL 1.000 |
Subscription |
T+1 |
Redemption |
T+30 |
Settlement |
2º day after the redemption NAV |
Subscription and redemption orders |
Daily, up to 3 pm |
Manager |
Ibiuna Ações Gestão de Recursos Ltda. |
Administrator |
BEM – Distribuidora de Títutlos e Valores Mobiliários |
Custodian |
Banco Bradesco S.A. |
Auditor |
PriceWaterhouseCoopers |
Early exit clause |
The fund has an early exit clause with a 5% penalty. If exercised, the redemption will be converted in T+1 and settled in T+3. The 5% penalty fee will be charged over the redeemed amount. |